Saturday, 30 August 2014

"Banned by RPG Watch"

My blog just received over 200 views from yet another link. Surprise, surprise, it yet again comes from the RPG Codex where some faggot is crying over being banned from the RPG Watch.


The guy gets banned from the RPG Watch and goes onto the RPG Codex raging about it. As per-usual, the thread contains the typical insane ramblings you can expect from the Codex and otherwise contained nothing noteworthy from what I read from the first few posts. No idea what this has got to do with this blog but nonetheless, there it is. Suck it up princesses and move on. I am thankful for all the extra page views though from the certain obsessed individuals who keep linking to this blog :)

(Who wants to bet it was Stainless Veteran going back on the Watch a third time to post more of his sick sexual fantasies?)

"M-ay-m-ay-be they won't know it's me thi-s t-this ti-ti-time. Y-yeah...I-I-I-I m-m-mean I fooled t-hem righ--t?"

Never stop providing drama Codexers!

Saturday, 23 August 2014

The RPG Codex drama in story form

It all begun when Stainless Veteran discovered a mod for Neverwinter Nights called Celeritas Eos...

"So I just discovered this mod for Neverwinter Nights that features prostitution but it doesn't feature explicit rape scenes. The author must be insane! I hate him so much! I want my sexual fetishes satisfied and Agony in Pink isn't good enough!"

 "U mad bro? Seek help you faggot."

"W-what? Whaaaa! Someone called me a name! I'm telling!"

"SPAMEM SPAMEM SPAMEM!! Pick on my boyfriend and you pick on me! You're banned ImperLeper!"

*Sniff* *sniff* "T-thank you Tovi." *Sniff* "I-Im going onto RPG Watch and t-t-troll them so I can feel good about myself again..."

Later on the RPG Watch....

Stainless Veteran creates an account on the Watch and makes a thread about NWN mods where he starts discussing his fantasies again.

"I really want rape in my games. I love A Dance with Rogues and Agony in Pink."

"Oh look. A troll from the Codex."

"Shit. They've rattled me. Better create an alt account and pretend it's a troll impersonating me because of that mod I attacked."

Later...Veteran creates another account pretending the original poster was impersonating him.

"Yeah, so that guy saying he wants rape in his games totally isn't me and is a guy I got into an argument with on the Codex trying to stain my reputation."

Infinitron appears, going out of his way to defend Veteran.,

"It's totally true! The guy attacking him is that modder! He's even created this blog!"

"Just fuck off."

"G-guys...why are you being so mean? Spamem! You know I have panic attacks in real life....spamem."

Tovi fills with rage and goes onto the Codex and retitles the original thread to attack the mod authors.

"T-that'll SPAMEM teach those SPAMEM cunts not to SPAMEM mess with me! Their mod is a prostitution mod SPAMEM and they hate Stainless Veteran! SPAMEM FUCK THEM!"

One year later...Tovi receives a message on the Watch sent by one of the modders asking to resolve the supposed conflict but instead of replying, posts it in his year dead thread on the Codex.

"I was sent this message by one of the modders. Like he should totally let his grudge go."

Tovi fills with joy. He fills as if he's finally got revenge but then Veteran's thread on the Watch is brought back to life to discuss this new development and an old face from Tovi's past appears to enlighten everyone about him and his long pathetic internet history. From this, Tovi's crappy fan fiction for Ultima is brought to everyone's attention...

"O-h...shit...they've discovred spamem my Ultima fan fiction SPAMEM."

Tovi grits his teeth, rage builds through his body as he sits in his parent's basement. He cannot contain it anymore...he screams as loud as his mouth allows, his girlish yell echoing throughout the house as tears slide down his face.

"Tovi! Shut the fuck up! If you're watching animal porn again, I SWEAR ON JESUS I WILL COME DOWN THERE AND FUCK YOU UP!"


"Son, one more word and I will fuck you up."

Tovi wants to reply but he still remembers the beating he got last time from his father. His butt was still sore, in fact, from it. Instead, Tovi goes back onto the Codex...


Tovi stops typing and calms down. He feels like that'll teach the modders and he knows the thread title will get people discussing it. Tovi stops crying and bursts out in maniacal laughter.

"Now those cunts are fucked! The Codex's users don't give a shit about anything. Those modders will be mocked to hell and back for making me butthurt! I HAVE VICTORY!"

Tovi's maniacal laughter echos throughout the basement...

Yep. That's basically the story. The end. It hardly makes sense but nothing from the insane forum that is the Codex usually does.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Hi RPG Codex

It's come to my attention that Tovi (Infinitron) is butt mad over this blog and the outing of his fan fiction for Ultima by someone named "ZoOM Dragon". He somehow discovered this blog (despite me not linking it to anywhere) probably by Googling his own user name or something (talk about egotism). He's linked this blog to a thread on the RPG Codex where he and any idiot who actually is serious about this drama are no doubt discussing it. This means job well done on my part since I've successfully trolled that failure of a life.

It's been a wonderful journey. Tovi's butt hurt has been incredible and the irony is wasted on this idiot who still hasn't worked out who I am and doesn't realize the irony of him getting butt hurt over my three posts on the RPG Codex directed to Stainless Veteran as ImperLeper. The reaction of Tovi was strange indeed as he wasn't even attacked originally until he got involved by changing the thread title on that Codex thread to attack the mod authors (who he now claims are anti-jewish and homophobic which are the exact things that the RPG Codex forum and users on it that he defends so devoutly are).

That's Infinitron. He'll probably be butt hurt about me posting this image saying I'm "stalking" him when he's uploaded it for all the public to see. Perhaps he should keep his socially awkward photos of himself private in future. XD 

Tovi's butt hurt even extended to begging Jaz (a moderator on RPG Watch) to remove posts on the Watch thread that had exposed his long (and pathetic) internet history (although Jaz simply censored them allowing people still to see the information probably much to Tovi's anguish, see this page and post 55 where a user is quoting someone whose comment has been deleted because Tovi complained about it but the information is still there). Tovi's entire thread on the RPG Codex is just to get people to reassure him that he's not a failure but I don't think that's worked considering he's butt mad over this blog.


Some of you may think I've taken this too far but if anything, I've not gone far enough. You're probably wondering about my motives right now too: do I hate Tovi? Am I one of the mod developers? The answer to both questions is no, I simply found a complete tool that I knew would entertain me and sure enough, he's done that.

Tovi's not the last person I've done this too and he certainly won't be the last. Incidentally, all the other people I've done this too all suffer from similar delusions of grandeur, social awkwardness in real life, massive egotism and post all their private details online (often going by one forum name that they associate with their real name) for everyone to see and easily find but then get butt hurt when someone reveals it. Tovi's full name is now ruined and associated with this embarrassing drama when you Google it (and he helped this blog in the top results for his name by increasing its view counts by posting to the Codex, thanks Tov).

Besides the fact that I knew attacking him would entertain me, I was also legitimately curious of the Codex's bizarre reaction to the NWN mod but I've long since gone past that as it's Tovi's behavior alone that I've since been mocking. Even if he removes everything he said, he's on my radar now as I've seen so much content from the guy to poke fun at (including the fact that he's socially awkward in real life). Unbeknowest to him, this is what I do to troll people for entertainment. It's nothing personal, Codexers just happen to be complete tools I've discovered and this revelation means that YouTube, tumblr and Reddit are no longer my only hunting grounds.

To end, I leave you with Tovi's complete fan fiction which I'm reposting here so he can never take it down, enjoy!

Worst Fan Fiction Ever for Ultima (aka Virtuousness Day by "Infinitron Dragon")

Hail fellow Dragons!
This story is kind of a mix between Ultima and the awesome movie "Independence Day". The Weyrmount is also here, with a few of my friends from the Weyrmount MOO. I'm not much of a writer, so I hope this story will be okay.

Not much has changed apparently...

The First Day

The Ethereal Void

A big shadow goes over Trammel. A giant, brown, mushy-looking starship flys by, towards Britannia. 


Lord British is in bed, talking to his wife Nellie over the ether-phone ( Yes, they're married here ).
Lord British: I have a confession to make, honey. I'm in bed with a beautiful young brunette.
Lord British petted Sherry the mouse, who was sitting on his leg.
Nellie: Haha, very funny. Let's get to the point. Your polls here in Cove are going bad. They're saying that your attitude with the gargoyle problems are like the Avatar saying,"Name? Job?". We're in big trouble.
Lord British: It's not true. Where do they get these ideas?
Nellie: I don't know...things have really been going down-hill ever since you decided to put in the next "society advancement" into Britannia.
Lord British: Oh come on, democracy can't be that bad! 


Shamino and Iolo are playing chess and talking.
Iolo: Shamino, I don't know what to do with Gwenno. She hasn't been talking to me for days. It was an accident!
Shamino: Look, Iolo, VAS FLAM HURing an ancient vase is not to be forgiven easily.
Infinitron Dragon: This is true.
Iolo: Well she put it on the table! Couldn't she find another place to put a vase? How am I supposed to cook my food?
Shamino: Hmmm...maybe an oven?
Iolo: Yeah, but that's so slow...VAS FLAM HURing is so much faster. Although it is hard to get the meatballs off the ceiling afterwards.
Shamino: Look Iolo, why don't you just get her that new "electric lyre" thing...that'll make her happy.
Iolo: Oh, shut up! What do you know about women anyway?
Shamino: I know quite a lot about them! I know they prefer blue diapers!
Shamino: D'owe! 


Dupre is riding his dragon ( In this age, humans fly on dragons ). As he flies over the plains, he throws magical dust on the crops, while doing loops and other tricks with his dragon. After a while, he lands. A few gargoyles come out of a nearby house.
Gargoyles: Shlook Zomp Plarg A few humans come out and laugh at Dupre.
Thugs: Hahaha...been drinking too much at Dr. Cat's, Dupre? You sprayed the wrong field!
Dupre: * hic * Oops.
Infinitron Dragon: Hey, he stole my line! 


The Ether Disturbance Detection Station was made by Lord British in order to detect any evil beings coming from the Void. It has never actually found anything except a giant rubber ducky floating in the Void ( Shamino later confessed that he had created it ), but ever since the Black Gate incident nobody wants to be taken by surprise again. The station is located near Trinsic. A man is sitting in a chair when suddenly a beep is heard from one of the magical devices.
Oblivion Dragon: Hmmm...nice description. Could be better, though.
Man: What's that? Whoa! Check out the size of that thing! Wait a minute, that's Britannia. Wait a sec, there's something's not disturbing the ether - the ether is actually staying away from it!
Infinitron Dragon: ???
The man calls his boss.
Boss: Unless you're an insanely beautiful woman and/or Britannia is under attack by an evil entity, hang up now! The man tells his boss what's happening and calls Iolo.
Iolo: Yes?
Man: Iolo, come to the EDDS, quick!
Iolo: I'll be right over! 


The Avatar wakes up in his house, where he and Nastassia live.
Avatar: It is dark.
He turns on the light and goes into the kitchen, where Nastassia is making breakfast.
Avatar: Name?
Nastassia: Oh, don't give me that! I'm your wife, Nastassia!
Avatar: Well met, Nastassia. So, what's for breakfast?
Nastassia: Well, I decided to make you a special memorial breakfast - Traditional Pagan Kith Stew!
Nastassia: Just kidding! I'd better go, I have to be at the shrine in 15 minutes.
Avatar: Bye, honey.
Nastassia leaves. The Avatar takes a bite out of his breakfast.
Avatar: Hey wait a second...this is...TORAX RIBS!!! NO NO STOP THE PAIN!!! AAAAAAAHH!!! 


Iolo arrives at the EDDS, where Smith the Horse is waiting for him.
Iolo: What's going on, Smith?
Smith: Come see this, Iolo!
They go to a big monitor and look at a big blob floating through the void. Several small blobs come out of it.
Iolo: Hmmmm...Shamino's fabled giant silly putty?
Smith: Nope! Watch what it does to the ether!
Smith activates a smaller screen showing some ether atoms and an unidentified blob atom. As the blob atom comes near, the ether atoms grow a little hand and hold it to their nucleus. Then they run away as fast as they can.
Iolo: Weird...
Smith: natural phenomenon or even Shamino-made phenomenon can make that happen. It must be...
Iolo: Aliens!
Smith: Yeah...I hope they bring some far-out alien hay!
Iolo: Hay?! That's what you're thinking about now? What should we do about this?
Smith: Hmmmm...well, after killing Malchir, don't forget to take the Tongue of Flame.
Iolo: WHAT?! Oh stop that Smith, this is serious!
Smith: Well, I'll go tell LB about it.
Smith trots off. Iolo plays a little with the equipment.
Iolo: Hey, Smith, come here, I want you!
Smith: Hay? Where? Oh, you mean hey.
Iolo: Look at this...the ether will be totally malfunctional very soon... it'll run away right into the Void! They're pushing it away systematically, every bit of it. No magic will work soon, not even "Turn Aqua-Blue Grass into Bats with 13.45 Fingers"!
Smith: Oh come on, why should they be evil?
Iolo: I wonder how all their ships can coordinate together like that? The flat shape of Britannia makes that difficult.
Smith: How should I know? I'm just a horse.
Iolo: Of course.
Smith: Of course.
Iolo: Well, anyway, the machine says the ships will be here in...two seconds.
See! I'm original! Other stories would make it 20 minutes! But not me! 


Dupre goes home, where Spark is waiting for him.
Dupre: Hi, kid. * hic * What's up?
Suddenly a shadow goes over the town. They run outside.
Spark: WHOAA!!! An alien ship!
Suddenly, Spark's eyes roll and he pulls out his sword.
Dupre: I told the Avatar not to take him along back then, but NOOOO, he wouldn't listen. The Avatar never listens to me. * hic *
Spark regains sanity.
Spark: Well, what should we do?
Dupre: Stay in the house, I'll go to Dr. Cat's and see what's up.
Suddenly, they smell something horrible.
Spark: Have you been eating gargoyle food, Dupre?
Dupre: Just go in the house.
Dupre runs over to the pub.
Dr. Cat: Well, well, well it's Dupre!
Laughter is heard in the bar.
Dupre: * hic * Gimme a beer Doctor. Seen that ship out there?
Dr. Cat: Yeah, so?
Dupre: So? Aren't you the least bit curious what that thing is?
Dr. Cat: Sorry, I'm not programmed to be curious.
ZoOM Dragon: Okay, okay, I'm working on it.
Dupre drinks his beer.
Dupre: Well, are you gonna give me a beer or not?
Dr. Cat: I think I already gave you one, Dupre.
Dupre: Hmmm...I guess you're right.
Thugs: Well, Dupre, aren't you going to save us from the evil aliens?
Everybody laughs at Dupre.
Dupre: Do you think they're friendly?
Lord Mike: HELL NO!!!!! I mean, well, no.
Dr. Cat: Well, what do you think? ( That is, if you're capable of thinking after drinking so many beers )
Dupre: Well, they can't be worse than a few humans I know. Dupre glares at the thugs and smiles. Then he has a hangover and loses consciousness. 


Lord British answers the ether-phone. Static is heard.
Lord British: Yes?
Smith: Ummm...LB...go outside for a second, okay?
Lord British walks outside.
Lord British: this is how outside looks.
Smith: Yeah, but do you see that big mushy thing in the sky?
Lord British: Yes...I take it that thing isn't supposed to be here.
Smith: It's an alien ship, stu...I mean, my lord! Here, talk to Iolo.
Iolo: Mr. No...I mean Lord British, I think those aliens are evil!
Lord British: Why? I mean besides the obvious reason that if they weren't this whole story would be pointless.
Iolo: They're pushing the ether into the Void! That's why the ether-phone is malfunctioning. They're bouncing their communication transmissions off the ether to coordinate themselves.
A scary tune is heard.
Iolo: They're using our own ether against us!
Lord British: Now, Iolo, you have no concrete proof that they're evil...
Iolo: Okay, but don't be surprised if your ether-net card stops working.
Lord British: No more Internet? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Must control myself... can't convince me, Iolo...I can't just declare war on them, Iolo.
Iolo: Well, I suggest you warn the people not do something stupid like use Firedoom Staves on the ships or something.
Lord British: Ok.
Suddenly posters appear all over Britannia with the message -
Hail citizens of Britannia!
Please, do not shoot our visitors!
There'll be plenty of that later!
Iolo: How'd you do that?
Lord British: I told my men to hang the posters. Then I left the screen and returned and the posters were all hung.
Iolo: Well, I'm going to meet you now. Bye!
Lord British: Ok, but I'm not going to give you any food!
Lord British suddenly smells something bad. He checks his armpits. He then smells something even worse. 


Nastassia return from work and goes in the house. Inside, the Avatar is banging the furniture with his sword.
Nastassia: What do you thing you're doing?
Avatar: Just raising my Strength and Dexterity attributes. Don't worry, it won't do anything to the furniture.
Nastassia: what's new?
Avatar: Nope...nothing new. I haven't seen any big brown mushy alien ship in the sky.
The Avatar and Nastassia walk out and see one of the mushy alien ships.
Avatar: Hey look, there's a big brown mushy alien ship in the sky!
Nastassia: By the Avatar!!! Oops, sorry honey...
Avatar: Do you suppose they're evil?
Nastassia: Well, I guess we'll know soon...
Yeah, I'm getting tired of writing this pre-attack stuff. I wanna see some explosions!!!
Avatar: Nastassia, do you smell that?
Nastassia: Hmmm...have you been fighting monsters in Castle British's sewers, dear?
Avatar: Naaah...they haven't been letting me in there ever since I collapsed that wall and made the toilets overflow. God, I haven't smelled something so bad since I caught Lord British in the bathroom.
Nastassia: I didn't know there was a bathroom in Castle British.
Avatar: It's a special invisible instant-bathroom. That's why me and my companions never have to go. We teleport to the invisible bathroom, instantly relieve ourselves, and teleport back. Those things are all over Britannia.
Nastassia: Sounds like a waste of the taxpayer's money.
Avatar: It's more heroic...imagine us needing to go to the bathroom in the middle of a fight.
Nastassia: Hmmm...I guess you're right.
Avatar: I'm always right. I make a magical mark in time before a problem I have to solve, and if I mess up I rewind time back to that mark. Anyway, I have to go to work at Jhelom. Bye, honey.
Nastassia: So that's why everyone always has jet lag every time you're on a quest! 


Shamino and Iolo arrive at Castle British.
Lord British: Hi
Shamino: Hi
Iolo: Hi
Lord British: I've heard that more ships have positioned over Moonglow, Minoc and New Magincia.
Iolo: Oh come on, that can't be a good sign.
Lord British: Well, we're going to find out soon. I've organized for some men to ride dragons in front of the alien ship, flashing multi-colored lights at them and playing cute little melodies at the same time.
Shamino: Why does everyone always assume that aliens communicate in such strange ways?
Iolo: So dumb story writers will have something to laugh about.
Hmmm...this is a paradox, I think.
Lord British: Well, the strangest thing has been happening...the ships have been dripping on us.
Iolo: Dripping?
Suddenly, a brown mushy thing falls on Shamino.
Shamino: I swear it's not my giant diaper!
Iolo: Giant diaper?
Shamino: D'owe! I was meaning to tell you about that...
Iolo: Never mind that...what are those droppings made of?
Lord British: Well, they're 23.4 percent typical alien plasma, 31.6 percent ether, 42.375489490873937329 chopped up Pentium processors, and 54
Iolo: Isn't that more than 100 percent?
Lord British: Hmmm...I guess the aliens know how to make things composed of more than 100 percent.
Naaah, I just didn't have enough patience to make everything add up.
Shamino: More likely Lord British's analysis team is 100 percent composed of Origin story writers!
Don't argue with me, Shamino.
Shamino: Okay, okay.
Gwenno enters the room.
Gwenno: Well look, if it isn't the Master Chef?
Iolo: Get over it, Gwenno!
Gwenno: VAS FLAM HUR!!!
Iolo is burned to a crisp.
Lord British: KAL LOR!
Iolo is resurrected.
Iolo: Oh, will you stop that! It's really scary in that world of the dead, with those slimy skeletons always grabbing at my clothes. And I get a headache when I'm finally resurrected.
Gwenno: I don't care, vase-killer!
Shamino: Thank God I'm the single guy character in this world.
Iolo: Oh come on, Gwenno, I'm sorry! Here, let me buy you a drink. Then we'll have a romantic evening in my house.
Shamino starts to get red.
Lord British: I think this conversation is starting to embarass Shamino.
Shamino: No it's not...I'm 400 years can talk.
Iolo: Yeah right, Shamino. What are you, around 11 or something? Okay, so I stole this from Captain Huggies - kill me.
Lord British: Look, people, it's getting late...soon we'll be welcoming the aliens.
Iolo: What a coincidence...the ether will be totally gone five minutes after that.
Lord British: Oh, stop that evil alien stuff, Iolo, nobody's going to believe you.
Iolo: Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna get the last laugh anyway...I love this script.
Geoffrey the Captain of the Guard walks into the room.
Geoffrey: The welcoming is starting now...come on, you don't want to miss it.
Everybody walks outside. A few small dragons with men riding on them are about to take off.
Geoffrey: These are our specialized welcoming dragons. They'll fly up to the part of the ship that looks like the front ( the part with the two big domes ) and flash their lights there. Look, it's starting now!
The dragons take off and fly between the two domes. They start their typical little show when suddenly a space opens between the two domes and a gas comes out. The dragons instantly explode.
Lord British: D'owe!!!
Iolo: Told you so!!!
Infinitron Dragon: SPAMEM SPAMEM SPAMEM!!!
Geoffrey: Come everybody! I prepared a giant escape dragon if something like this happens.
A gigantic crowd runs toward the dragon. 


The alien ship turns around until its two domes are facing downwards.
UFO Hippies: It's ugly!!! Not to mention smelly!
The two domes and suddenly a giant brown laser is shot down.
The whole city starts exploding. Everybody runs toward their cars. A traffic jam is formed but is quickly disolved by the chaotic explosions.
Smith: Hmmm...I wonder what's worse...traffic jams or evil aliens? What a question - traffic jams of course.
Smith reaches for his portable ether-phone.
Smith: Where's Dr. Rudyom? What do you mean he's not available? For 300 gold coins an hour he better be available! Who is this anyway? Oh!!! I always wanted to know who that little drake is! 


Nastassia is talking with her fellow shrine keepers.
Nastassia: So, how did the day go?
Typical Shrine Keeper: Pretty slow...only 5 heros tried to hit on me.
Nastassia: Oh well...what do you think about those alien ships?
Typical Shrine Keeper: They're our friends. They shall reveal the cosmic secrets of the universe to us!
Nastassia: You don't need them for that! That's what the Ultima Dragons website is for! Let's go out and see what they're doing.
They all walk out. The alien ships turn around so that the two domes are facing downwards. A space opens between them and a big brown laser is shot from it. Again, the whole town starts exploding. Nastassia runs away.
Nastassia: ( after a stereotypic female scream ) Now how do you access that bathroom? I know - VAS AH MU CHBE TTER!!!
Nastassia appears in an underground bathroom where she faints. 


Geoffrey, Lord British, Iolo, Shamino and Gwenno climb onto a gigantic dragon, along with a hundred more nameless citizens. The dragon starts running. Meanwhile, the alien ship does the same stunt ( I'm tired of writing that again and again ) and Castle British blows up, the whole city following the same fate shortly after. The gigantic dragon manages to get away before the explosions get anywhere close to him. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I have struck a blow to stereotypes everywhere!!!
Oblivion Dragon: Oh come on...surely you could make a better description than that!
Lord British: My castle! My people! My land! My, never least Sherry is with me!
Sherry the Mouse: Ugh!!! Did you have to put me in your sleeve? It stinks in here!
Iolo: I can't resist it - TOLD YA SO!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Shamino punches Iolo in the stomach.
Shamino: Owwwie!!! Ummm...I mean - Shut up Iolo!
Iolo: Hmmm...I guess those aliens aren't as friendly as we thought.
Geoffrey: I've seen Lord British even less friendly when I touched his fork.
Iolo: Yeah and the same with Gwenno when somebody touches her precious vases.
Gwenno punches Iolo in the stomach.
Iolo: Enough with the punches already!!!
Suddenly, a voice is heard.
Voice: Welcome to the Jumbo Dragon 747 and a half! We hope you will enjoy your ride. Meals will be served in three hours. Tonight's movie will be "Star Trek - The Quest for the Next Episode". Don't forget to fasten your seatbelts. Have a nice day.
Geoffrey: So, where are we going to go now?
Iolo: Well, we need to go somewhere where we can find something to combat those aliens. Where is the most advanced technology in this medieval dump?
Shamino: I think the most advanced technology here is this red moongate back to Earth. Let's use it!
Lord British: We can't leave Britannia in it's time of need!
Gwenno: Sounds good to me!
Iolo: For once we agree!
Shamino: Lord British is right...if we don't defeat the aliens here we'll have to defeat them on Earth...and besides, the author of this dumb story wants to get to the explosions as soon as possible.
Iolo: How about all that hi-tech stuff from the Age of Darkness?
Lord British: It was destroyed, I'm afraid. I thought it might be dangerous in the wrong hands so I ordered it to be destroyed.
Geoffrey: Uh, sir, I'm not quite so sure about that.
Lord British: What?
Geoffrey: Uh, sir...the technology from the Age of Darkness was hidden in a secret vault in the Weyrmount.
Lord British: The Weyrmount?!
Geoffrey: Yes. One of the artifacts was a fusion pistol which the dragons seemed to like to use on each we kept them there. With all those dragons there, it is a safe place! We thought we might need it someday.
Lord British: Well then, I would normally be angry at you, but I guess we need the technology now. Set course to the Weyrmount!
Shamino: I hope the dragons are feeling helpful today...

The Main Alien Ship

The Guardian is sitting with a bunch of goblins, planning his invasion.
Guardian: Soon, Britannia shall be mine!
Goblins: Yes Master!
Guardian: I shall slay the Avatar with my bare behind and fill their land with my putrid, disgusting smells.
Goblins: Yes Master!
Guardian: I expect the Britannians shall try to fight back with their puny dragons. But we will crush them! Our gases shall fill their world with pestilence! Our droppings shall make their world reek of dead fish and rotten tomatos! Our bared armpits shall make the them puke in disgust! Come, let us fill this world with our sacred stench!
Goblins: Yes Master!
Guardian: Stop saying that!
Goblins: Yes Master!
Guardian: Are you stupid?
Goblins: Yes Master!
Guardian: When's the last time you ate magenta-colored chocolate?
Goblins: Yes Master!
Guardian: Are you ever going to say something else?
Goblins: No Master!
Guardian: It's so hard to find good hordes these days...
That's the end of the first day! Stay tuned for the second smelly, idiotic, wonderful episode of Virtuousness Day!!! Infinitron Dragon - out!